DFW News November 2, 2023

Rangers WIN the World Series! Does that Affect your Home Value?

Texas Rangers, win the World Series! People are wearing their Rangers hats and jerseys, and everyone is talking about how awesome the team is. This is because when a sports team wins, it makes the people who live there super proud and happy.

Now, when a place is fun and exciting to live in, more and more people might want to move there. They want to be part of the celebration and feel that pride too. And when lots of people want to live in one place, there can be a problem. The problem is that there are not enough houses for everyone. 

So, what happens when there are more people who want houses than there are houses available? That’s when the prices of houses can go up. In simple words, when more people want something, like a Rangers house, but there aren’t many of them, it can make those houses more expensive.

But wait, it’s not just about the happy feelings and excitement. When the Rangers win games and big championships, it brings lots of visitors to the town. These visitors come to see the big games, and they need places to stay. Some homeowners might say, “Hey, I have a house, and I can rent it to these visitors.” They might use services like Airbnb to do that. And when homeowners rent their houses to visitors, it’s a way for them to earn extra money.

This extra money can be pretty cool for homeowners, and it’s another way that the Rangers’ success can help the town’s economy. When the economy is strong, it can create more jobs, which means more people have work and earn money. When people have more money, it can make houses more valuable because they become even more desirable.

However, sometimes, when a sports team does really well, there might be changes in rules and taxes in the area. These changes can sometimes affect how much houses cost. Some changes might make houses worth more, and others might make houses worth less. It depends on what the new rules and taxes are.

So, to sum it up, when the




Rangers win the World Series, it can make the town super happy and proud. This happiness can attract more people to want to live there, and that can make houses more expensive because there aren’t enough houses for everyone. Also, when visitors come to the town, homeowners can rent their houses and make some extra money. But remember, there are other things like jobs, schools, and the housing market that can also affect how much houses cost. So, the Rangers winning is just one of the things that can make houses cost more.


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